Commit to writing and publishing your own

Pledge to practice Authentic Islamic Montessori Education [IME]

Are you concerned about the current direction of Montessori Education? Do you find yourself defending the use of Montessori in your IME program? Are you having difficulty explaining IME to your parents? Do you feel conflicted about your Montessori professional affiliations? Do you feel pressured to compromise, adapt, or water down your IME program?


The American Islamic Montessori Association’s Make the Pledge Campaign is designed to help you distinguish your program by affirming your commitment to the practice of authentic IME. By making and publishing this Pledge, you are reinforcing the fidelity of your work and announcing your independence from influences that might dilute or distort IME.

Best of all, it costs nothing to participate in this campaign, and you can join the movement – wherever in the world you practice! This Pledge is for educators, administrators, counselors, advisors, training centers, academic institutions – and educational providers at all levels of service.

Why Your Pledge Matters

At AIMA, we believe that IME educators, practitioners and institutions must distinguish themselves and their work from those narratives of Montessori Education that are in conflict with the values implicit to IME theory and  philosophy. If we fail to hold the line on the timeless teachings of IME, we risk losing a valuable opportunity to generate the kind of second order change in Education so desperately needed in the U.S. and around the globe. By making the Pledge, you can help to preserve IME and its promise of hope for the future.

Your participation makes a difference!

  • Distinguishes you as a leader in Islamic Montessori Education [IME];
  • Your endorsement strengthens IME, thereby expanding its reach and influence in the world;
  • Participation affirms AIMA as your professional organization– independent of AMS and AMI;
  • You are raising the bar for expectations and outcomes in Montessori education everywhere!

The Make the Pledge Campaign – how does it work?

To participate in this important movement, all you need to do is commit to writing and publishing your own Statement of IME Education. This is how it works:

1. What is a Statement of IME Education?

It is a declaration of your educational values and principles, and a description of how those principles manifest in your daily practice. The purpose of this is to become clear on what IME means for you and why – and then share this with others.

2. Sign the Pledge

When you sign the Pledge, your name will be added to the public list, featured on the AIMA website, and you will be invited to download a digital badge for use on your website and promotional materials.


Considerations and Recommendations

What the Pledge is NOT….

  • It is not a statement of aspirational goals, but a public commitment to actively engage in the practice of authentic IME
  • It is not a vow to utilize a particular application or curriculum, but to offer programming anchored in the fullness of the spirit and intent of IME.

Make the Pledge YOUR OWN

Your Statement should speak to your practice, specifically. It should resonate for you and reflect an authentic integration of your values with your practice. These suggestions may help as you begin the process….

  • Engage deeply in self-reflection: Why did you choose the work you do? What keeps you motivated to do it; what keeps you invested in it?
  • Do the research: Confer with colleagues to discuss challenges and opportunities. Read, listen, and learn. Attend workshops and seminars. Engage with others who operate your professional space.
  • Begin with your values and principles, then seek ways to connect them with actionable work. Your ability to shine a light on how your values and principles are exercised, and made manifest in your daily practice, is key.

ONE LAST NOTE:  While your Statement of IME Education is anchored in values that are timeless and eternal, the world around us is not. As the world changes, it may be necessary to highlight different aspects or elements of your Statement. For this reason, we encourage a periodic review, to ensure your Statement remains responsive to the changing world around us.


Commit to writing and publishing your own Statement of IME Education. When you sign the Pledge, your name will be added to the public list (below) and you will be invited to download a digital badge for use on your website and promotional materials.

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