Common evidence of the normal aging process, such as wrinkles, folds, grey hair, etc. has been a mother lode for commercial interests around the world – particularly in the West, where aging has become the bane of our youth-obsessed society. Women in particular, fight aging like it’s the plague. We pursue solutions for “the problem of aging” as though it’s an anomaly, as though it’s a terrible affliction from which we must find a cure. This perspective on aging is deeply ingrained and incredibly pervasive throughout society.
How ironic this is, given that human beings, as all living creatures, are born into this world with a life span of scripted duration; each phase of which is endowed with an abundance all its own, treasures privy only to those who have so arrived.
From a spiritual perspective, the aging process helps to keep us accountable – one of the five core values of IME. The older we become, the more life experience we gain. This makes it increasingly difficult to continue to excuse our shortcomings, our poor behavior or lapses in judgement, to the ignorance – or folly – of youth. The aging process and its telltale clues implore us to evolve, to “grow up”, to be accountable for what we think, for what we say and for what we do. As the lines on our face gradually appear and deepen, as the grey in our brow becomes too abundant to pluck, we are reminded that life is a precious and time-limited gift. It’s time to get our act together.
- Whatever our station in life, whatever our circumstance, how we live and how we show up each day – for ourselves and for others – is a choice we make.
- Are you choosing wisely?
- Are you, as you exist in this very moment, the ideal version of yourself – or do you persist in compromise?
- How long will you continue to live in this way? Why?
- If it all ended this evening, would you be satisfied with your efforts during the time you existed on this planet – or in review, would you come up wanting? Did you learn and grow from the haste, from the puerile ways of your youth – or did you choose to persist in them?
Now is the time, whatever our age, to ask the difficult questions – and to answer them honestly, for there will be a moment when this all ends. In that moment the only thing that will matter, is what is honest, what is true. We know this. We’ve known this all along, and yet….
Indeed, we are fortunate to find ourselves right here, right now – so many others who were once among us, are no longer, as soon we will be. We exist in the blessing of this very moment. As you are reading this, you have the opportunity to begin to live your best life today. You can begin right now, to be your best self, to present your best self to those around you and to the world at large. We are blessed with the gift of this very moment. Use it wisely.
Copyright © 2021 American Islamic Montessori Association. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Jaime Dodd specializes in the research and application of Montessori theory and practice in early childhood educational settings. She is a member of the executive leadership team for a nonprofit, educational and research institution in St. Louis, Missouri where she has invested the greater part of her professional career. Dr. Dodd serves on the board of various St. Louis area non-profit entities, focused primarily on educational, humanitarian and/or healthcare concerns. Dr. Dodd’s passion is manifest in her work with the American Islamic Montessori Association (AIMA), a professional membership organization to advance Islamic Montessori Education (IME) as a bridge to foster understanding, promote education and expand peace across the U.S. and around the globe.